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Open Letter To President Donald Trump


Updated: 3 days ago

Dear President Donald Trump,

We the people embrace and welcome your re-appointment at the helm of a very influential ship. A ship that is bound for unexplored and undiscovered destinations that we as a collective consciousness, throughout our existence within the cosmos, have never visited before.

We have been listening to all your words and observing all your actions and salute your incredible accomplishments thus far in 2025.


Yourself and Kennedy’s Executive Orders Shatter the Status Quo and Redefine America’s Health, Freedom, and Government!

· Yourself and Kennedy unleash a storm of executive orders! Vaccine mandates obliterated, FDA and CDC abolished, bans on toxic ingredients, GMOs, and bringing formal recognition of vaccine injury to the surface. A new era of health and freedom rocks America!

· Vaccine Mandates Annihilated! Yourself and Kennedy obliterate the mandates with one powerful order, putting an end to years of control by Big Pharma. Medical freedom is back! Americans reclaim the right to choose—no more forced compliance. Personal liberty is non-negotiable!

· 1986 Vaccine Immunity Law: HISTORY! No more hiding for Big Pharma! Yourself and Kennedy have repealed the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, tearing down the wall of immunity Big Pharma hid behind. Justice is back as citizens regain the right to hold these giants accountable.

· Vaccine Injury and Death Officially Recognized—Yourself and Kennedy blast through silence, finally acknowledging vaccine injuries and deaths. No more denials or gas lighting. Victims will be heard. Compensation fast-tracked, ensuring justice for those impacted.

· Ban on Fluoridation takes the Nation by Storm! No more fluoride in tap water! Yourself and Kennedy’s ban on water fluoridation ends the era of mass medication without consent. Let America drink pure and free! Expect a massive shift toward natural, clean water nationwide.

· FDA, CDC, and FTC Reshuffled—No, Demolished! Yourself and Kennedy don’t just reform—you obliterate the FDA, CDC, and FTC, dismantling bureaucracy. This is bureaucracy zero! New, accountable agencies will report to the people and protect health without corporate strings.

· Toxic Ingredients Banned in Food—A Health Revolution! Say goodbye to harmful additives! Artificial dyes, preservatives, and toxins are out of American food. This isn’t a tweak; it’s a food revolution led by yourself and Kennedy to safeguard health.

· GMOs and Toxic Pesticides Banned—America Turns Organic! Yourself and Kennedy’s ban on GMOs and pesticides sends a thunderous message: America goes organic. Health is prioritized over profit, and the agricultural sector is forever transformed!

· Recognition of Autism-Vaccine Link—A Truth Bomb Yourself and Kennedy boldly address the autism-vaccine link, challenging the medical status quo. Independent studies will surge, and programs for affected families will expand, proving this administration champions truth and transparency.

· Abolishing FDA, CDC, FTC—The End of an Era! This is it: the final blistering strike that shatters the status quo. Yourself and Kennedy tear down bureaucratic giants, transferring power to, we the people.




And the list of accomplishments go on and on…. Going after the bad guys is the easy part….

We the people of the world, THANK you for setting the example of what it looks like to lead with LOVE.  We appreciate all your efforts and accomplishments and are in total gratitude for your kindness and support.

What we the people were very much hoping would be at the top of your agenda and are sadly NOT yet hearing or seeing at this time:

1. Encouragement for people all over the globe to return to Natural Medicine’s and seek more Holistic Treatments such as consulting Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Kinesiologists and Reflexologists and for those in the Medical Fraternity to consider becoming qualified in these areas - having this as a compulsory requirement accompanying the title of “Doctor, Physician, Specialist” and the education system being re-aligned to support this would be a refreshing and welcome shift in the right direction

Revelation 18:23—24: "The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your SORCERY all the NATIONS were DECEIVED. And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth."

The Greek word "SORCERY" translated, is "PHARMAKEIA," from which we get the English word "PHARMACY" and it means "the use or the administering of drugs," "medication," "poisoning," "deception" and "witchcraft."

What God is telling us is that, Satan is going to use the "PSEUDO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY" through their "WITCHCRAFT" to "DECEIVE" and "POISON" all nations in these last days, and we are seeing it today.

2. An Executive Order abolishing all Birth Certificate Fraud

3. Executive Orders demolishing the practice of Maritime Law On Land and dissolving The United States of America Corporation

4. That Divine, Universal, Natural and Common Law are going to be restored, taught and entrenched in all schools and global education systems just like national anthems are, and practiced forever more going forward. 

5. The Truth about the Vatican, being exposed globally in Mainstream Media

6. The Truth about Taxes being THEFT being exposed globally in the Mainstream Media: TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION! and how this abomination is going to be remedied since settling the bankruptcy of this corporation the District of Columbia calling itself "the United States" --- Incorporated, is bankrupt

7. That the manufacture of tobacco, soda streams such as CokaCola, all alcoholic beverages and other toxic substances such as Ketchup, processed and synthetic foods, MacDonald’s, Burger King, instant sauces etc. are going to be shut down and removed from our grocery store shelves, streets and diets once and for all 

8. That oil drilling and the obliteration of our planet's trees and other natural resources and landscapes is going to come to an end - The opposite was evident from your recent speech delivered in Davos: Trump Addresses World Economic Forum in Davos - and to touch on the manipulation and deception of AI - this is something the collective consciousness is going to shun in every respect, so we the people, are not entirely sure for your reasons for promoting AI?  With all due respect, this is of deep concern to the collective.  We have just walked through the dark night of the Soul on our planet and our Golden Age, as true to form as it is, will not be embracing AI.  

9. That the Deep State web of people and institutions named in this document: The Covid Networkers, have been arrested, liquidated, exposed via mainstream media and smudged to smithereens.  

10. That all Animals and Trees in our Global Consciousness Garden will be revered, respected, cared for and nurtured with the same degree of love as we have for our loved ones in our families and not turned into food, furniture and clothes - we need to find another way to exist that aligns with nature, instead of destroys it.

12. Recognition and Adoption of the black law dictionary 4th edition as the formal Dictionary, true to all words of the English Language 

13. That all censorship on Social Media Channels such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook will come to an end and all blocked profiles restored.

14. That we are going to return to a world of FREE ENERGY 

15. That 5G and all other harmful EMF frequencies are going to be removed with immediate effect

16: That these truths will be exposed Globally in Mainstream Media: Globalists go crazy trying to suppress these 14 powerful, timeless truths that can SET YOU FREE 

17. That the Gregorian Calendar is fake and was created to disrupt our natural rhythms and that Calendars around the world will be corrected to reflect 13 months a year with our new year starting 1 April. Why is our September considered the ninth month when Sept. stands for seven? Okt stands for Eight, Nov. stands for Nine, Dec stands for Ten?

We could go on and on - for now, the above is more than enough for USA and the rest of the collective to come to terms with and adjust to.

We the people, thank you in advance for taking the time to consider our above 17 points, for now.  There is a LOT MORE to come, although it does not serve to rush things.  One step at a time.

The time for truth is NOW 😏🌈

Yours In Service To All, Always

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