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The Truth About "Climate Change" - It Is A Polar Shift


Updated: Jan 18

Dear Gentle Reader,

We are once again being bombarded with "Climate Change" Framework Policies no doubt at the hands of the desperate Deep State Governments who are scrambling to cover up the truth and use the Pole Shift to bleed the global population dry with more inventive taxes.

FACT: The real reason why the dark forces (Elite/Deep State) are so much in a hurry to force their failing Great Reset, is because they are afraid of the polar shift, sorry that they are hiding this fact under a "Climate Change" pseudonym

Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth's magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift.

Climate Change is the most radical LIE this planet's occupants have EVER been exposed to next to COVID. Take note of how Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W's) have been used to further the Deep State (kill planet earth consciousness) agenda D.E.W. (Direct Energy Weapon) Principle Used to Pursue fake "Climate Change" Agenda

TRUTH is, we NEED C02 from everywhere to survive. Let’s be clear, we are stepping forwards into a maelstrom of transformational activity. Whether intentional or not, it’s the perfect cleansing conditions by which Gaia will release the old karmic construct, which is so plaguing her.

There is no stopping Gaia now. The 5D shift moved through the gears: It will help greatly to get to know the natural Toroidal flow of the surrounding field and attuning to it within you. It’s basically a natural feeling of movement and flow, as opposed to being stuck in outdated behaviourisms and conditioning of the matrix.

The matrix in its current form is literally being pull apart over time and it’s essential that we attune to the shift into the higher vibrations of the 5th Dimension.

Attention New World Order including all fake foreign "governments" aka (the United Nations), World Health Organisation, GAVI, World Economic Forum, G7, Climate Change Liars, Fake Scientists, Fake Doctors, Fake Presidents, International Negotiating Body, World Health Assembly and the rest of the Cabal Cartels - WE KNOW THE TRUTH AND WE ARE AWAKE to The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset”

WE THE PEOPLE have woken up to the FACT that 1500 Scientists Say ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ – The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked.

And there are many of us who have done deep dives into the subject as well as spent years searching for the truth and collecting factual data that reveals the truth:

👉 It’s Global Cooling That Worries China, Not Warming: "So we have had more than three decades of faulty science regarding anthropogenic global warming (AGW) with countless false prophecies along the way. Having become highly politicized, it has as its cheerleaders Greta Thunberg, Carrie Symonds, and Extinction Rebellion."

👉 Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities There is no climate emergency:   "Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. Moreover, they most likely exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO 2 . In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmos - phere with CO 2 is beneficial"....  

👉 Climate Hustle 2 looks at both popular scientific claims surrounding climate change and examines motivations of those clamoring for immediate action. Featuring leading scientists, politicians and policy experts, and hosted by actor Kevin Sorbo, the film showcases many instances of Hollywood hypocrisy, financial corruption, media bias, classroom indoctrination, political correctness and other troubling matters surrounding the global warming issue...

👉 Real scientists declare: There is no climate emergency: "Climate lunatics everywhere are falling all over themselves in adoration of Greta Thunberg, the climate kid who’s being hailed as some kind of progressive environmental hero for whining about global warming at the United Nations....."

👉 'There is no climate emergency,' hundreds of scientists, engineers tell U.N: "Lost amid the coverage of Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg at last week’s U.N. Global Climate Summit were the 500 international scientists, engineers and other stakeholders sounding a very different message: “There is no climate emergency.....”

👉 There is no climate emergency, say 500 experts in letter to the United Nations: "Here are the specific points about climate change highlighted in this above letter:

1. Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.

2. Warming is far slower than predicted.

3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models.

4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.

6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.

7. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic."

👉 Greta Thunberg - A Pawn In A Game She Doesn't Understand:  "The New World Order pushes HUMAN GUILT (Greta Thumberg trained to further this!). E.g. force plastics on us then blame us for the pollution it causes.  This lie about climate change is going to come to an end VERY SOON."

Let's leave it here for now shall we? There is no hiding from the truth any longer! The time for truth is NOW 😏🌈

Yours In Service To All, Always

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