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  • spiritusfemina

The Grand Expose of 2023 Has Begun

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Dear Readers,

So much has happened since my last blog, that I have been overwhelmed with it all.

That been said, the grand expose began as early as January 16th, 2023 with this reputable Substack publication: The US is controlled by 10 cartels.

Whatever is in the dark will come into the light. The speed at which these revelations will happen will leave the unawakened reeling with both cognitive dissonances as well as carrying feelings of intense betrayal by people and institutions they once trusted. For example: THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR BIG PHARMA, CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS & THEIR MINIONS

People are going to retreat and question everything. They will investigate the truth about altered and manipulated "law", “science”, “religion” and our "calendar" amongst MANY other subjects.

It is not a social or frivolous year by any stretch of the imagination. Picture the image of a wounded dog, retreating into a corner to lick its wounds.

Number 7 accumulates negative karma when it has truth and information that can benefit others but does not share it. People will come forward to expose the truth and share research that will benefit Earth and humanity. Our true history will be revealed.

People will find alternative news channels which will steadily gain popularity, as they grow increasingly distrusting of mainstream media with its scripted propaganda.

Electricity and water will be front and centre, as the 7 signifies hidden energies and knowledge.

7 is a water number, although, we are seeing it as frozen water, so perhaps icebergs will feature in some way too. Number 7 links to hidden resources and assets. Geologists and anthropologists may produce significant discoveries.

We have moved into a new and long-awaited positive timeline and the focus in 2023 is on soul development and intuition. It is a year of self-development for everyone.

Number 23 is significant. It is a prime number, which gives it added strength and individuality, this number is found to be logical and emotionally controlled.

The 23rd chromosome is the one that decides if the sex of a baby is male or female. The prediction is that all gender-related issues will come to the fore, particularly at schools.

Parents around the world will start standing up to the inappropriate sex education and gender indoctrination introduced in schools at an age where children should not have to think about sex at all, let alone feel pressured to identify with their sexual orientations, expressions, or identity.

In closing, 2023 will be a mixed bag. For some of us, it will be a year we have longed for where we can share our truth and help the world to understand and heal.

For others, it will be a roller-coaster ride. Exposes will trigger distrust and anxiety.

Financial instability is likely to continue, although the truth about the financial system and our governments will surface.

Those operating on the dark side, will not survive in the light.

Until we meet again, be gentle and patient with everyone. Drink plenty of water, get out into nature, and walk barefoot. This grounding is important in a 7-year. Listen to music tuned to 432 HZ and get as much rest and sleep as you can. Our bodies are transitioning to

hold more light.

When tired or in doubt – sleep 🤗

I dedicate this in acknowledgement of Planet Janet-Lynn where ever you are or vanished to - THANK YOU

The time for truth is NOW 😏🌈

Yours In Service To All, Always

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