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Death of the Monarchy, Elite Parasites and the Old World Order


Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Dear readers,

I have no doubt that the reality checks revealed hereunder are going to shock many of you so before I get into the nitty-gritty and truths surrounding the announcement of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, fulfilled prophecy surrounding her off-spring King Charles III being recognized as the Antichrist in this long but very insightful article: A Look At Biblical Prophecy And Its Fulfillment In The Rise Of Prince Charles Of Wales, penned by Craig Bong with note of thanks to the research and inspiration from: Joan Veon (United Nations Reporter and author of two books--The United Nations' Global Straightjacket; Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince), Tim Cohen (author of Antichrist and a Cup of Tea), Samuel Tuominen, Sir Robert Anderson (The Coming Prince) and Monte Judah (Messianic World News) - and some findings about the real Liz Truss and how Charles had to get her in as the UK’s new PM to help him oversee and implement the “Great Reset”, I would like to remind you ALL that 1000 years of peace births in the final throes of chaos!

Take note: With just a little over seven years to 2030, the UN intends to implement and strengthen Agenda 2030 on September 26, 2022 at the "legal" treaty ceremony of the UN General Assembly. Under the Sustainable Markets Initiative and the Terra Carta mandate, Prince Charles leads the way and now attempts to rise above anyone else to confirm (strengthen) with many a covenant for 1 week (7 years).

Sources have revealed that Queen Elizabeth passed away long before 8th September 2022.

Hint - TIME magazine cover showed the dead queen as a cut out falling over in early November 2021.

I find it intriguing and interesting that the politicians and mainstream media have decided to announce her passing just ahead of the mid-term elections in the United States…. Perhaps admitting the truth did not suit their agenda? Same with Nelson Mandela who passed years before his death was actually announced.

Let’s take a look at what the world’s asleep sheep “looked up to” as their “Queen” and “Royal Family”

WATCH: 🧨💥🎯 The Queen & The Kamloops Kidnapping 1964 “The queen of England went on a picnic with 10 children from a Native Residential School in Canada in 1964 and they were never seen again. No announcement of her visit had been made. Where are the missing children? The Royal Family are Predators that prey on children. It's not limited to Prince Andrew and Jeffery Epstein, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Elite Pedophilia is personified in the Royal Family. Dianna was going to blow the whistle on them and they killed her for it.”

Let’s face it, the entire “Royal” family are better off 6 feet under including the abomination Britain wish to now recognize as their so called “King”

A passage from Nostradamus: Queen Elizabeth II: Did Nostradamus predict the death of the owner of the British crown? "Queen Elizabeth II will die, circa 2022" Page 98. Published in 2006. In Nostradamus' written works, Century 8 Quatrain 97, he spoke of "great powers" changing and a "Kingdom growing no more".

For those of you who want to know more about the REAL PARASITES calling themselves the “Royal” family, you are more than welcome to do your own research as there is MUCH FILTH there…. Just avoid our manipulative Google trash search engine at all costs as Google are part of the deep state and manipulate EVERYTHING you read on the internet.

Elisabeth Truss better known as Liz Truss

Let’s take a quick look at Elizabeth Truss who has been positioned as the UK’s Prime Minister to assist Charles with his failed, pathetic, dying “Great Reset”. I’m just going to put out some interesting titbits here just as a “tip of the iceberg” set of truths:

“Allegedly, ‘Elizabeth Truss covered up a judicial paedophilia normalization programme, and allowed Kernaghan to keep his post while he was under investigation for his role in child abuse rings.’"

If you are not yet connecting the dots after reading above, I will leave it up to you to do your own digging in the dirt.

No wonder so many MP’s resigned under Boris, he was never in-bed with Pedophilia wolves.


Upon the coat of arms (beast) there are 7 heads and 7 crowns upon each head. The 7 crowns have the iron cross, which is worn by the Pope and was also worn by Adolf Hitler. The little horn of Daniel, symbolizing a prince of royal stature, is atop the white horse with an open mouth as if speaking. Chained to the dragon, encased in a ring, showing his marriage to the dragon once he becomes king, reveals the two will rule together simultaneously and the sign of the heir apparent is around both the white horse and the red dragon, each to rule the throne. To the left, you have the head of the lion, the slender body as if a leopard and oversized feet as a bear would have. The image below the lion is that of the black Prince of Wales and reads from left to right, I the black prince, serve the red dragon.

Within the crest, you can see 10 lions, all of the same size laying low but one rises above them and strikes three of them with his right paw. The blue belt is the highest order of Freemasonry belonging to the Order of the Garter. Seven bars are across the helmet, representing perhaps how many or which years he will rule prior to their proposed millennial world state. Above the helmet is the little lion with the whelp, revealing how he will rule with a rod of iron. The harp of David, is pictured in the lower left portion of the shield. His ancestry is claimed to go back to King David and the royal family believes their rightful place is the seat in Jerusalem.

Moving on from the dead Monarchy and Old World Order

The New Earth has already birthed and there is NOTHING the elite 1% Cabal or the Antichrist can do about it. We will NOT be repeating the cycle of the same Babylonian Roman Empire rule on this planet ever again. It ends now.

The end of the Queen’s reign marks the end of Admiral and Maritime Law on Earth and a return foremost, to Law of the Land – God’s Common Law and the observation of Customary, Tribal, Divine and Universal Laws, on a global scale.

I invite you to take a look around you and see what unfolds in your Country now, as the evil elite cabal minions clutch at straws in an attempt to hold onto control of a world which was never theirs to control in the first place and find their Cults disbanded, dissolved and banished from our earth for ever

Thank you for taking the time to read and educate yourself, hope you feel wiser and more informed post reading what I have placed in front of you today.

The time for truth is NOW 😏🌈

Yours In Service To All, Always

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