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From The Dark Night of the Soul, A New Earth Is Born


Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Dear Readers,

Now that it has been established that Covid-19 a 100% lie, we can finally move on to the actual truth about the awakening and what is busy transpiring on the surface of the planet that the United Nations, World Economic Forum, G7 and Commercial Corporations globally - aka (the 1%), are dead scared of and are trying desperately to halt, prevent and hide from the 99%. A death, resurrection and metamorphosis is about to take form.

Revelation 18:23—24 "The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your SORCERY all the NATIONS were DECEIVED. And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth."

The Greek word translated "SORCERY" is "PHARMAKEIA," from which we get the English word "PHARMACY" and it means "the use or the administering of drugs," "medication," "poisoning," "deception" and "witchcraft."

What God is telling us is that, Satan is going to use the "PSEUDO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY" through their "WITCHCRAFT" to "DECEIVE" and "POISON" all nations in these last days, and we are seeing it today. Do not be deceived!

Here is an accurate description by a MILITARY INSIDER: “They Panicked When They Saw The Future” that clearly speaks to the desperate lockdown measures that are being instituted by central governments and deep state dark forces around the globe. Moreover, this military insider clearly explains what this “AWAKENING” buzzword (that has been floating around ever more prominently since the beginning of Covid-19), actually means. Incidentally, Covid-19 is just one of the nefarious tools being used by the Cabal and deep state as a last ditch attempt to slow down the awakening, enslave and control humanity, (their “in denial” naïve move on the chessboard), in the chess game they don’t even recognize they have lost against the 99% benevolent children of the collective Christ Consciousness.

Covid-19 has had the opposite effect to what was anticipated to be a tool that would C-control; O-oppress; V-victimize; I-isolate and D-divide us (as mentioned by our military insider). Covid-19 has in-fact been the catalyst that has created the very much needed unity amongst the 99% that has brought us home to each other, to love, care, kindness and compassion.

Awakening and ascension go hand-in-hand. At this time we are in a dramatic ascension process that will permanently elevate the vibration of the earth. This ascension and awakening is culminating now and will be permanent throughout the entire world. The next two months starting from today are a key time in human history and we need to hold the Light. Every person counts.

This moment that humanity is living through can be considered a door. The decision to go through the door is ours. Energy goes where energy flows so for those of us who choose to consume negative information 24 hours a day, feeding the darkness, we will find ourselves left behind in the abyss being constantly nervous and pessimistic and will eventually drown.

Those of us on the other hand, who take the opportunity to look at ourselves, rethink life and death and take care of ourselves and others, we will find ourselves ascending and walking through the door. Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When we take care of ourselves, we take care of others at the same time. Do not underestimate the spiritual dimension of this crisis.

Ascension on a spiritual level involves opening to our gifts and a greater alignment with Source in Ground of Being. Have not heard the term “Ground Of Being”?

“The Ground of Being,” a commanding phrase that theologian Paul Tillich (1886–1965) used, is an excellent metaphor for what most of us would call God (Acts 17:28). It is the Source and goal that we deeply desire and desperately fear. Both God and death feel like “engulfment,” as when you first gave yourself totally to another person. It is the very union that will liberate us, yet we resist, retrench, and run. This is why historic male initiation rites invited the young man to face God and death head on—ahead of time—so he could know for himself that it could do his True Self no harm—but in fact would reveal it. Though we may resist dying at first, afterward we can ask ourselves, “What did I ever lose by dying?”

Wondering what all this has to do with the dark night of the soul, ascension and a new earth?

It is all about the collective consciousness emancipating ourselves internally within our hearts, from our inner EGOS at this time, right now, from today…. Our egos have been the root cause of all the evil that has been manifesting in our reality on earth believe it or not.

The bible ends with its last chapter being revelations which speaks to the “end of days”. For all intense purposes, this is exactly what we are living through in our physical reality right now inside our cocoons, heading towards the death of the old ego dominated us, to our new love dominated earth. The age of Aquarius.

Death—whether one of many deaths to the false self or our physical dying—is simply returning to our spacious Ground of Being, to our foundation in Love.

To accept death is to accept God. —Thomas Keating

Love is the natural condition of our being, revealed when all else is relinquished, when one has already moved into transpersonal levels of identification and awareness. Love is simply an open state with no boundaries and, as such, is a most inclusive level of consciousness. Love is a quality of the Ground of Being itself. In this regard and at this juncture in the dying process, love can be seen as the final element of life-in-form and the gateway to the formless.

As hospice worker and psychotherapist Kathleen Dowling Singh put it, “[Death] is the experience of ‘no exit,’ recognition of the fact that the situation is inescapable, that one is utterly at the mercy of the power of the Ground of Being.

The ego, deep state and Cabal evil, do not want our collective Christ consciousness ascending to the new earth.

As it takes form, as LOVE replaces ego within the heart of humanity’s collective Christ consciousness, money (the Cabal and egos’ prime possession), becomes valueless, governments, control and power as well as time, become non-existent and the need to eat food vanishes into thin air. Free will begins to expand, divine and universal laws begin to emerge and humanity’s freedom from economic, social and political slavery and oppression falls away. All that the evil deep state, corporations and Cabal have been relying on for survival through humanity’s enslavement, becomes obsolete and non-existent.

Here in the third density dimension otherwise known as (3-D), our human form requires food to live. As we begin to awaken and ascend, however, this will change….

Before I go further, I feel it is my duty at this point, to introduce to my readers, the most profound short book that generally takes under 2 hours to read and reveals the purest truth and very essence of what we are as a collective consciousness, where we come from and how we landed up in this third density trap: The Enlightenment

A sure sign that we have started to awaken and ascend from the low vibrational third density to the higher vibrational fourth dimension starts off with our appetites for food becoming less and less as the human instrument becomes sublimated inside the cocoon. Some people stop eating abruptly.

In the fifth dimension, otherwise known as 5-D, we will have no physicality at all and therefore, no need for food.

If you have not been aware until today that humanity is made up of multi-dimensional beings then my invitation to you is to please fast-track your awareness in terms of the state of your transition to consciousness or risk being left behind while the rest of humanity begins its ascension into a new multi-dimensional experience in a new earth, as a major split away from corrupt artificial intelligence and a distinct move towards truth, begins.

If by chance, you do not understand what I am talking about when I say “consciousness”, please indulge your senses in this vitalizing, inspirational and really helpful explanation that gives life to what infinite consciousness is.

Down to the more serious business of some of the kinds of physical transformations we can potentially expect as new earth manifests itself

Caterpillars munch on leaves, which the plant needs to create energy and growth. Butterflies sip on nectar, which plants produce to attract pollinators, leading to the creation of fruits. In a similar way, our "economy" will create more life, not consume it.

Each of us is playing a part in the total transformation of Humanity. Some of us are cells of organs that are being dismantled and re-organized into new structures and functions. Some of us are part of the teams carrying out the transformation. Some might be playing the role of the skin that protects the Chrysalis during the transformation. There are many, many roles to play!

Whatever part each of us plays, try to remember that we can't all play the same role. Try to be open minded and forgiving of those who seem to be creating problems and chaos. They might be performing an essential function - one that causes crumbling of old forms, and creation of resources and energy to create new forms.

I look forward to the emergence of the Human Butterfly. While I hope it happens in my lifetime, there's no way to know for certain exactly how long in Earth "days" or years it might require. In the meantime, take a moment each day to connect with Source and ask for guidance.

Changes one can expect in the collective consciousness, bearing in mind how our thoughts become things:

1. The global climate will begin to balance out and extreme weather conditions will disseminate

2. Energy will move to Zero Point

3. Food will become regenerative: regenerative agriculture is a form of agriculture that respects the micro biome and recognizes the role it plays in creating a healthy mind, body and spirit. Recently, most of us have become aware of the role that our gut biome plays in creating health. The “gut biome” of our planet is the soil. The regeneration of healthy soil is the foundation of Regenerative Agriculture. Regeneration doesn't end with soil and agriculture. The food we eat, when grown in healthy soils, creates the conditions we require for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth and transformation.

4. Water – this is such a critical point that I decided to include this entire related piece written by Ilana Moss: “Water requires prayer What Is Water? Water is so ubiquitous to life that it might seem ludicrous to ask such a question. But what, exactly, IS water? Much like the fish that live in the ocean, it is not possible to observe water objectively, because without it we are not alive.

Most of us tend to think of water as something we drink from a glass, or add to other ingredients to prepare soup, use to wash our bodies, clothing, and cars, or sprinkle on the garden to grown our food. But water is actually everywhere - in us, on us, and outside of us - all of the time. Technically, water is made up of H2O molecules; two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, joined together is a very specific configuration. But it is not the molecular structure of water that gives it the unique qualities that make life possible on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe. Water is the great, unifying substance of the Universe that receives, carries, records and transmits all the energetic frequencies that create life. Anything that has water in it is alive. Hydrogen, which is the simplest atomic form in the Universe, consisting of one electron vibrating around one proton, is the energetic equivalent of fire.

Oxygen is the energetic equivalent of air. Together, they make water. Fire + Air = Water = Life. What role does water actually play in our bodies, and the bodies of all life forms? We know that without it, living things shrivel and die. But what does water actually do to keep us alive? (*) There is the very basic function of being a solvent. Water provides a fluid environment through which other substances can move and conduct business. What most of us don't realize is that it also provides a medium through which all forms of life can communicate.

Water is a conductor and storage unit for electromagnetic energy and information that is being broadcast into it by the things it comes into contact with, both living and non-living. The nature of this energy and information is then transmitted to the life forms that drink, swim, breath and bathe in it. This critical bit of knowledge has been a part of ancient human wisdom and philosophy going back almost as long as humans have been on the Earth. But it has been lost in recent times, to our great detriment, and to even greater detriment of all life on Earth.

Too many humans have forgotten the role that water actually plays in our lives, both physically and spiritually. The damage we have done, and continue to do, goes far beyond pollution and plastics in the oceans. The way we treat water - the way we store it, move it, and use it in industry and manufacturing - traumatizes the water. And when we ingest it through drinking, showering, breathing, and even swimming, we absorb the energy of that trauma into our own bodies and minds. But there is something we can do about, not just for our own health and wellbeing, but for all of Humanity and the planet a well. In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon known as “quantum entanglement”. This was demonstrated when a single photon particle was split in two and the two particles were then placed miles apart. Anything that was done to one of the particles simultaneously affected the "twin".

The good news is, all water in the Universe is "entangled", having arisen from the One Source or Consciousness. In other words, we don't have to change the energy and information of every water molecule on the planet - we can change just one, and it will affect all the others. When we transform the vibrational structure of all water on Earth, we transform all life on Earth. (*) Now, you might be wondering, what can just one person do, while billions are still abusing water across the planet? The truth is, this is not a "one and done" solution. It needs to become a habit, and a new way of life. It is also true that the vibrations of Love, Compassion, Joy, and Enlightenment are so many times more powerful than fear, anger, hatred and despair, that just one person who chooses Love can have an enormous effect! (ref. Power v Force, David R. Hawkings MD, PhD, 2002) Here are some suggestions for how to begin:

Meditation: Yes, that time honoured favourite. Why? Because when you meditate, the water in your own body takes on that vibrational structure. That vibration will then be transferred to all the water on Earth through quantum entanglement. Being conscious and aware that this is happening will magnify the effect exponentially!

Prayer: Again, prayer will transform the structure of water in your own body and everywhere water exists on Earth. To be even more effective, keep a glass or bowl of water in front of you as you pray. Send your prayers to that water, and ask that the energy of your loving prayers be shared with all water on Earth.

Art and Music: More and more artists and musicians are beginning to realize the true power of their gift to Humanity and the world! Find artists and musicians who create sacred images and sounds, and place a bowl, vase, or even just a glass of water where it can absorb these frequencies. Ask that the structure of the water be shared with all water on the Earth.

Sacred Sex: If you have a spiritually aware partner, ask them to join you in asking that your Love, and the vibrational structure that Love creates within the water in your bodies, be shared with all water on Earth.

I'm sure you can find other ways to infuse the water in your life with higher vibrations and healthy structures. One "trick" I use is something I learned in Ho'Oponopono. I keep a few blue glass wine bottles and fill them with tap water and place them in sunlight for about an hour each day. I drink all of my water from these bottles, and the "enlightened" blue water helps inform all the water in my body with the vibrations of Love and Light.”

6. Transportation moves to ET

7. Health turns to Vibrational healing

8. Communications become Quantum

9. Education will be measured by experience

10. Spirituality/Consciousness turns towards Heart

11. Politics moves to Absolute Law which is based upon an innate moral sense. It is the law of nature or the laws of nature, collectively. It’s similar to natural law which is the rule of conduct supposedly inherent in the relations between human beings. Absolute law is thought to be discoverable by way of reason.

12. Science moves to Metaphysics

13. Art moves to Nature

14. Music moves to 432Ghz

15. Dance/Sports becomes Beauty/Co-operation

16. Nature and animals become revered

Additional things that will start to manifest and take shape:

🌈 Tax is theft and will be done away with. Why tax is theft

🌈There will be no mandatory experimental injections, no nano or bot controlled technology, no 5G, no biometric control, no pharmaceutical industry, no chlorine and fluorine in water, no surveillance Huawei or Google, no animal testing, no animal cruelty, no wars, no genetically modified food or transgenic seeds.

🌈There will be no currency or money.

🌈There will be protection in natural areas and no fuel that damages the environment.

🌈There will be forgiveness of student debts and elimination of hydroelectric plants.

🌈There will be elderly rehabilitation, construction of quality homes with biocompatible materials, home and personal debt forgiveness, clean waters and water systems including clean oceans, rivers and lagoons.

🌈All permits and patents will be eliminated; energy medicine and medicinal plants will replace pharmaceuticals and become available to raise vibrations

🌈There will be no use of foetus cells in cosmetics or other products. Human trafficking will be eliminated.

🌈Exploration of natural resources will be eliminated.

🌈New care systems for abandoned children will be implemented. There will be National debt forgiveness, environmental cleaning of all contaminated areas, elimination of the use of chemicals in society.

🌈Old houses and buildings will be renovated and restored and rehabilitation of prisoners will become mandatory.

🌈Dogs will be trained to assist people and people will be given water rights

🌈All governments will be eliminated, it has already started: United Kingdom: BRITISH PEOPLE TAKING OVER THEIR 1ST PUBLIC OFFICE BUILDING USING COMMON LAW!


Welcome to Humanity’s Free Will on our New Earth

BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering. DON'T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstances, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

There is only one thing confronting us.

It is the Kingdom of Heaven.

We see it clearly . . .

or through a glass darkly

depending only upon

what we are looking at It with–

the Holy Spirit

or the ego.

This is why

“Nothing real can be threatened”

and “nothing unreal exists.”

We must simply make the choice

in order to experience it!

The below video concludes my message for today 🌹

The time for truth is NOW 😏🌈

Yours In Service To All, Always

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